
Something's Got A Hold On Me

Something's got a hold on me that won't let go. I never thought it could happen to me. Got me heavy without the misery. I never thought it could be this way

Something's Got A Hold On Me 歌詞Christina Aguilera ※ ...

Something's got a hold on me that won't let go. I never thought it could happen to me. My heart was heavy when in misery. I never thought it could be this way

舞孃俱樂部(Burlesque)原聲帶克莉絲汀(Christina Aguilera) ...

2010年12月16日 — 開場的〈Something s Got A Hold On Me〉,是克莉絲汀精湛詮釋傳奇藍調女伶Etta James的招牌;挑逗性感的〈But I Am A Good Girl〉,驚艷克莉絲汀百變嗓音 ...

Something`s got a hold on me

来自copydrum的Something`s got a hold on me - Christina Aguilera 樂譜。 樂器: 鼓/ 頁面: 3 / 難易度: 普通/ 歌詞: / 不包括/ 和弦: / 不包括.

[歌詞] Something's Got a Hold on Me

2011年1月10日 — Something's Got a Hold on Me/靠山Sometimes I get a good feeling 有時我會自嗨I get a feeling that I never, never had before 這是前所未有的 ...




